
首页  科研队伍  师资列表  毛赛君  代表性论文和论著



1. S. Mao, Y. Chen, C. Li, W. Li, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira, A Coupled-Inductor based LCC Resonant Converter with the Primary-Parallel-Secondary-Series Configuration to Achieve Output-Voltage Sharing for HV Generator Applications. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.34, no.7, pp. 6108-6122, 2019.

2. S. Mao, Y. Chen, C. Li, W. Li, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira Diode Reverse Recovery Process and Reduction of Half-Wave Series Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier for High Frequency High Voltage Generator Applications, IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.34, no.2, pp. 1492-1499, 2019.

3. S. Mao, C. Li, W. Li, J. Popovic, S.Schroder, J. Ferreira, Unified Equivalent Steady-State Circuit Model and Comprehensive Design of the LCC Resonant Converter for HV Generation Architectures, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.33, no.9, pp. 7531-7544, 2018.

4. S. Mao, H. Wang, Y. Yan,A novel Zero-Voltage-Switching push-pull DC-DC converter for high input voltage and high power applications, Journal of KIEE International Transactions on Electrical Machinery and Energy Conversion Systems, Volume 5-B Number 4, pp.343-349. 2005.

5. S. Mao, Popovic, J. Ferreira, Analysis of the Transformer Modularization for High Frequency Isolated High Voltage Generator with the Silicon Carbide Devices, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition(ECCE)-Europe Conference, pp.1-8, 2020.

6. S. Mao, C. Li, W. Li, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira, Coreless Transformer Based High Voltage Generator for Intense Magnetic Field Applications, 35th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference & Exposition (APEC), pp.1-5, 2020.

7. S. Mao, D. Zhu, Z. Yao, Popovic, J. Ferreira, A High Frequency 110kV Output Voltage, 8kW Output Power Isolated High Voltage Generator with Silicon Carbide Power Semiconductor Devices, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition(ECCE)-Europe Conference, pp.1-5, 2019.

8. S. Mao, D. Zhu, Z. Yao, Popovic, J. Ferreira, A 300kHz 4kW 140kVDC Output Voltage Power Supply with Modular High Voltage Generation Architecture and Planar Transformer, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition(ECCE)-Europe Conference, pp.1-5, 2019.

9. T. Tang, J. Ferreira, S. Mao, W. Wang, M. Niasar, Design of a Medium Frequency Transformer with High Insulation Level for Dual Active Bridge DC-DC converter, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition(ECCE)-Asia Conference; pp. 523-530, 2019.

10. S. Mao, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira, Switching Characterization and Low Inter-winding Capacitance Gate Driver Power Supply Design of SiC MOSFET for the 300kHz 10kW Inverter, 1st Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia (WiPDA Asia),pp.270-275, 2018.

11. S. Mao, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira, Efficiency impacts of 1.2kV Silicon Carbide MOSFETs for isolated two stage AC-DC power conversion, 1st Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia (WiPDA Asia), pp.382-390, 2018.

12. S. Mao, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira, 300W 175oC Half Bridge Power Building Block with SiC MOSFETs for Harsh Environment Applications, 1st Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia (WiPDA Asia), pp.1-5, 2018.

13. Y. Chen, S. Mao, C. Li, W. Li, X. He, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira Non-Magnetic Resonant-Type High-Frequency High-Voltage Power Conversion with Silicon Carbide Power Semiconductor Devices,1st Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia (WiPDA Asia),pp.90-94, 2018.

14. S. Mao, C. Li, W. Li, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira, Equivalent Circuit model for High Voltage Power Generation Architectures, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.3098-3102, 2017.

15. S. Mao, C. Li, W. Li, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira, Comparative Analysis and Evaluation of High Voltage Power Generation Architectures, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp.4753-4760, 2017.

16. S. Mao, C. Li, W. Li, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira Review of High Frequency High Voltage Generation Architectures, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)-Asia Conference, pp.2260-2266, 2017.

17. S. Mao, T. Song, C. Li, W. Li, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira, Power Packaging Design Considerations for High Frequency High Voltage Generator, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)-Asia Conference, pp. 2267-2272, 2017.

18. S. Mao, P. Zhang, C. Li, W. Li, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira, Diode Reverse Recovery Analysis of Cockcroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier for High Voltage Generation, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)-Asia Conference,pp.1765-1770, 2017.

19. S. Mao, C. Li, T. Song, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira, High frequency high voltage generation with air-core transformer, IEEE International Workshop on Integrated Power Packaging (IWIPP), pp.1-5, 2017.

20. S. Mao, T. Wu, X. Lu, J. Popovic, J. Ferreira, High frequency high voltage power conversion with silicon carbide power semiconductor devices, IEEE Electronics System-Integration Technology Conferences (ESTC), pp.1-5, 2016.
